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Google Cloud

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Start your cloud journey with the partner Google chooses for themselves.

For over 15 years , our Cloud-certified engineers have been working for and with Google, giving us an in-depth ability to tailor Google Cloud, Gemini, and Workspace technologies to your unique needs.

Our specialisms

Generative AI

Google Cloud provides multiple ways for businesses to harness cutting-edge Generative AI technology to unlock new possibilities.

Multi-Agent Systems

Multi-agent systems leverage multiple AI models that each specialize in a specific task to achieve a comprehensive solution. Google Cloud equips you with the tools to build these collaborative systems through technologies like:

  • Vertex AI: Streamline the development and deployment of your GenAI agents.
  • AI Platform Pipelines: Orchestrate complex workflows between multiple agents.
  • Cloud Functions: Build lightweight, event-driven functions for real-time interaction between agents.
RAG Systems + Search

GenAI models are often trained on generic data that don't reflect the nuances of a specific domain. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems assist with this problem. RAG systems can be built with Google Cloud technologies such as:

  • Vertex AI for Text Search: Leverage pre-trained search models to find relevant data within your organization for improved training.
  • Cloud Storage: Securely store your domain-specific data for RAG systems to access.
  • Customizable Training Pipelines: Fine-tune your GenAI models using real-world data retrieved by the RAG system.
Model Fine-Tuning

Pre-trained GenAI models can be a great starting point, but fine-tuning them with your specific data unlocks their true power. Google Cloud technologies for fine-tuning these models  include:

  • Vertex AI for Training: Fine-tune pre-trained models with your domain-specific data for enhanced performance.
  • Customizable Training Pipelines: Build tailored training pipelines for specialized GenAI applications.
  • TensorFlow + PyTorch Integration: Utilize popular deep learning frameworks for advanced model fine-tuning.

Machine Learning

Google Cloud's Machine Learning functions enable everything from task automation to uncovering hidden insights in data.

Vertex AI

Vertex AI simplifies the entire ML lifecycle, from data management and model training to deployment and monitoring. It provides a user-friendly interface and pre-built tools for common tasks, allowing data scientists and developers to focus on innovation.

Computer Vision

Harness the power of pre-trained models for image recognition, object detection, and video analysis. Extract valuable insights from visual data to automate workflows, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experiences.

Pre-Trained Models

Google Cloud offers a library of pre-trained models for tasks like natural language processing, image classification, and translation. These models can be fine-tuned for specific use cases, saving development time and resources.

Data Science Tools

Powerful Google Cloud tools like BigQuery ML and Cloud TPUs enable efficient data analysis and model training. Integrate seamlessly with popular open-source libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch for greater flexibility.

End-to-End MLOps

MLOps ensures the smooth transition of ML models from development to production. Google Cloud's MLOps tools facilitate model deployment, monitoring, and version control, ensuring ongoing model performance and reliability.

Application Development

Modernizing your applications with Google Cloud unlocks a world of benefits, from improved performance to enhanced scalability and security.

Architecture Evolution

Google Cloud provides a flexible platform to modernize your application's architecture and help you take advantage of:

  • Microservices Architecture: Break down monolithic applications into smaller, independent services that are easier to manage and scale.
  • Containerization with Kubernetes: Package your applications into containers and deploy them using Kubernetes for a portable and scalable solution.
  • Serverless Computing: Leverage serverless functions to manage infrastructure automatically, freeing your team to focus on core functionality.
Modern Technologies

GCP offers a range of cutting-edge technologies that streamline modernization efforts, such as:

  • Kubernetes Engine: A managed Kubernetes service that simplifies container orchestration and deployment.
  • Cloud Anthos: Extend your Kubernetes environment across cloud and on-premises infrastructure for a hybrid cloud strategy.
  • Cloud SQL: Migrate your database to a fully managed service that handles scalability and security.
  • Cloud Spanner: For globally distributed applications, utilize Cloud Spanner, a relational database service built for high availability.
CAMP 2.0

The Cloud Application Modernization Program (CAMP) 2.0 provides a structured methodology for successful application modernization. CAMP 2.0 focuses on three key areas:

  • Move + Improve: Migrate your applications to GCP while optimizing performance and security.
  • Build + Operate: Implement modern DevOps practices for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD).
  • Cloud + Beyond: Explore solutions that extend beyond the cloud, such as edge computing.
Image of the Google Logo
Beyond x Google

Trusted by Google for over 15 years

We've long developed Google Cloud solutions not just for our customers, but for Google, itself. We are in the top 10% of Google's  roster and are a Google Cloud Service and Reseller partner in the US, UK, Ireland, and Europe.

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With decades of combined experience, our specialists across regions are well-prepared for any challenge you may be facing and are ready to open a conversation.

Photo of Cass Surek
Photo of Sarah Mendham
Photo of Hannah Eagle
Photo of Miguel Caires

Start your Google Cloud journey